Get Comfortable Being Called a Data Scientist
Apr 21, 2023
I see it all of the time, professionals who are working under a different job title doing the work of a data scientist, but hesitating to refer to themselves as a data scientist because either their path to data science was not the traditional one or because they have never been hired as a data scientist.
Let’s be clear, no matter what your title at work is or what your education level is, if you are performing the work of a data scientist then you qualify as a data scientist. Not wanting to claim that title is a form of importer syndrome. In Chapter 3 of my book How to Become a Data Scientist: A Guide for Established Professionals I talk about how to overcome the lies that imposter syndrome makes you believe.
Data Science is not my passion
As established professionals we have spent years learning our current profession. We have goals and dreams that are tied to that profession and switching our title to data scientist can make it feel as if we are just giving up and moving onto something new. But that just isn’t true. Data science is everywhere, whatever field you feel passionate about data science can give you the tools to help you leave your mark and make your work matter.
There is confidence with clarity. Being clear on what your career goals are and how you want your work to be remembered is crucial to overcoming the fear of switching your title to data scientist.
I am not educated enough to be a data scientist
Let’s be honest, if you are taking the bootcamps and training to become a data scientist, you are probably already doing data science work in your job currently. Extra bootcamps and trainings have their place and I explain in my book How To Become A Data Scientist: A Guide For Established Professionals, how to make the most out of these trainings, but the need to continually seek out new trainings and certifications can be a symptom of imposter syndrome.
Why not continue to make an impact in your field and receive the salary you deserve for the data science work you are doing. Just because you had a less traditional path to data science does not mean that you are not qualified enough.
Overcoming imposter syndrome is critical to moving forward with your data science career. Remember, you deserve to be in this field, you are qualified enough and you can make your data science career whatever you want it to be.
For more check out my new book How to Become a Data Scientist: A Guide for Established Professionals
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