How To Become A Data Scientist: Preface Overview

career advice job hunting job interviews Jul 28, 2024
Robot becoming a data scientist

Let’s just be honest about applying for jobs in data science as an established professional. It isn’t easy.

Although you may have all of the reasons in the world to make the transition to data science, you are still going to be nervous when taking the leap. Accepting that fact is an important step in moving forward. 

In the preface of my book How To Become A Data Scientist, (available on I talk about the real fears that I had about becoming a data scientist. If you do not know my story, I worked in many different roles before becoming a data scientist, but it was not until I was working in admissions for a university that I started developing the skills of a data scientist (even before I knew what data science was).

In fact it was not until those around me started referring to me as a data scientist that I hesitantly decided to pursue it as a career. Perhaps, my story is similar to yours, in that data science is not something that you were knowingly seeking.

Because transitions into data science can sometimes feel highly organic, and sometimes even seem unanticipated, you are doubting yourself and your skills. I wrote this book specifically for you, because transitioning to data science is not easy and the experience of an established professional is different from someone who is newly graduated from college or otherwise much earlier in their career. 

I want you to read this book and re enter your job search with confidence knowing that you are a data scientist and even though you may not have known until very late in your career, you have a lot to offer potential employers.

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