Lessons From My Book Release
Mar 28, 2023
I am currently in the process of releasing two books about transitioning to data science. The process of writing my own experiences down for others to use and learn from has been exciting and fun. However, launching a book(s) has been a journey. I have found many similarities from publishing a book to making a career transition into data science.
You need your network
I have learned to lean on my network in a whole new way during this journey. My network of family and friends have supported me even when I was not sure I was going to be able to get everything completed. Much in the same way, making a career transition forces you to lean on your network. Making your network aware of your career goals not only increases your chances of getting hired but it also gives them the opportunity to cheer you on. They want you to succeed, even if you are struggling with the work required to become a data scientist, let your network know your goals so that they can support you along the way.
Hire professional help
Throughout this process I have been amazed by all of the professionals that have helped make this dream of mine a reality. The editors, publishers, writing coaches to the graphic designers continually amaze me with the efficiency and value of their work. This book would not be possible without their help.
Similarly, when you are in a career transition you want to present yourself in the best light and to do that you need to have the right professionals in your corner. I suggest you hire a career coach, someone who is going to have you and your success at the forefront. Experienced career coaches will keep you accountable to your deadlines and will guide the development of your materials to current standards.
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It is never too late
As a career coach I have been pretty settled in my careers. Did I need to write a book? No, not necessarily, I was comfortable before I started this whole process. But now that I am almost to the finish line, I can say that I would do it all over again if I could.
As a mid- to late-career professional you probably have a steady routine at work, and you could be comfortable until retirement. But what if there is something more? You are never too old to make this transition, I did it in the late 30s and I am happy that I did. Transitioning to data opened new doors for me, door I did not even know were possible. If I can do it, you can too.
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