Looking for a Job: Should You Job Hunt, Then Move, or Move, Then Job Hunt?

job hunting job interviews Oct 30, 2022
A family loading things into a moving van.

Three Options for Those Looking to Relocate

It’s no secret that Americans are on the move (tech professionals and data scientists are among the movers), and that is no less true for those in data science. Moving can reset your outlook on life, transport you to a better climate, or get you closer to friends and family.

But one of the biggest wildcards in any move is finding a job in your new city. Should you find a job, then move, or move, then find a job? This blog will help you decide.

Moving to a New City: Can You Support Yourself?

When you’ve made the decision to move to a new city, the excitement can be hard to ignore – new sights, new restaurants, new living arrangements, and more. But moving without a job? That can conspire to make things complicated.

The first consideration in making plans to move should be how you will support yourself in the meantime. If you have money and resources, moving before finding a job makes more sense. Also, moving before you find a full-time permanent job could make sense if you are able to pick up contract work to help tie you over.

Looking for a Job When You Live in a Different City

Looking for a job in a city that you do not live in can seem complicated. Luckily for those of us in data science, many in the field are former university instructors who are used to conducting nationwide job searches, even for entry-level jobs and certainly for mid-level jobs. That’s good news for those who are looking for a job in a city they do not live in.

Here are three more factors to keep in mind when looking for a job in a city that you do not yet live in:

  1. Start by growing your network in your target city. You can do this by searching out network contacts in the new city, and you can even set your current location as the city you want to be in.
  2. Start applying for jobs in your target city before you move there – just remember to be upfront with recruiters and others when you talk to them. Also, don’t bring up anything about moving allowances or other relocation compensation.
  3. If you can’t wait any longer, go ahead and make your move – but find temporary or contract work to help you make ends meet in the meantime. Keep in mind that while moving may be a major goal of yours, you should not put yourself in a huge amount of debt in order to make it happen.

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