Topics To Expect From: Data Science Career Services Blog
Oct 25, 2022
This blog is for anyone who is an established professional who also seeks to transition into or level up in data science. Here is a summary of topics you can expect coming up.
How Data Scientists Can Build Professional Reputation
For example, I already wrote about 3 LinkedIn Job Search Mistakes and How To Fix Them just a few days ago. Coming up in the few weeks you'll find articles that discuss making your data science resume stand out.
How Data Scientists Can Interview Well
Earlier this week I published Tell a Great Career Story: Adam's Quick Take on Situation Task Action Result (STAR). Also useful on doing well at a job interview will be articles on the difference between "dream jobs" and "dream candidates" (don't miss that one). How to frame your data science and transferable skills in the positive. How to get to know yourself better so you can prepare for a successful interview.
Access Equity + Integrity
I also plan to use this blog as a platform to write about access equity + integrity. For example an article coming up and planned for mid November will be on the topic of pay equity. I have also in the past written about examples of bias in machine learning + artificial intelligence. Another example of past focus on this topic is a reading list on bias in data science.
Resume Advice
Resume advice specifically for (I mean precisely tailored for) mid- and late-career professionals is hard to come by. Earlier today I published Job Hunting, In Data Science, Over Age 40 which focuses on the topic of learning about automated applicant tracking systems which often automatically score your resume as a screening tool by potential employers. How to make your resume stand out, specific advice on specific sections of your resume, and other resume related wisdom is in store ahead.
Special Events + Theme Weeks
Next week I will be attending The Open Data Science Conference in San Francisco. I sprung for the VIP tickets. I'm excited for the event and the opportunity to be shoulder-to-shoulder with other data scientists live and in person. Watch here for information from the conference.
Other special events I plan to cover are heritage months. The current goal is to kick off at least a year of posts specific to heritage months including, but not limited to, Women's History Month, Pride Month, African American History Month (and more). I will focus on the diverse contributions to data science from across the spectrum of human diversity.
In the works is a series of posts on the topic of Data Ethics. Watch for a entire week of posts related to data ethics - specifically intended to support career transitions.
News From Up Level Data, LLC
The formal legal name of my firm is Up Level Data, LLC. I will use this platform to share news about what is happening and how we're growing. For example, yesterday I wrote and published The Data Science Career Services Team Is Growing.
Salary Negotiations
A favorite topic of mine is salary negotiations. I've written a ton on this topic and I plan to write more. For example, over at Medium I've written 4 Ways To Revolutionize Your Salary Research. Also, Websites That Help Data Scientists Prepare For Salary Negotiations. And, How I Help Others Prepare For Salary Negotiations: Research, Research, Research. Watch for more of this topic on the Career Services Data Services blog soon.
Some Things You Won't Find Here
A pet peeve of mine is when anyone writes about advice that is standard, common, and ordinary but then hyperbolically titles it something like "life changing" or "mind blowing." You won't find these over-stated or exaggerated claims here.
Related another form of exaggeration I plan to avoid is any form of absolutism. For example, the absolutist hypothetical title "The Key To Resume Success" implies that there is one key and one key only. No, there are many keys to resume success. In any given article I can write about a few of them.
Am I Missing Anything?
If there are any topics you want to hear more about contact me. Best way to contact me is LinkedIn or Twitter. I look forward to chatting.
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