TheĀ BestĀ Way You Can Enter Or Level Up In A Data Career

  • Unlimited one-to-one meetings.1
  • Unlimited emailĀ + text messaging support.
  • The best option for professionals looking to enter or level up sooner rather than later.
Data Science Career Accelerator
Join The Career Accelerator Program Today

What You'll Get

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Strategies, tactics, and recommendations on how to polish your resume, prepare your LinkedIn, and establish + grow your professional portfolio.

To make sure you transition quickly + efficiently:

  • Unlimited one-to-one guidance.1
  • Schedule via Calendly. Cancel any meeting - no penalty.
  • Reschedule for whenever works for you.
  • Unlimited email + text messaging guidance.

1 This program is limited to 10 members at any given time.

For you to learn at your own pace. Online on-demand programming:

  • Access to the Applicant Tracking System mini crash course.
  • Access to an always growing library of instructional videos exclusive to accelerator clients.
  • A free copy of How to Become a Data Scientist: A Guide for Established Professionals.
  • A free copy of Confident Data Science: Discover The Essential Skills of Data Science.

For your resume:

  • Customized done-for-you final resume polish.2
  • PreciseĀ line-by-line and section-by-section guidance on re-writing your resume which includes video instructions.
  • AlsoĀ 6 pages of specific written resume guidance.
  • Multiple resources designed to help you overcome resume writer's block.

2 Before we're done no less than three professional career advising and resume writing professionals will contribute to your resume review and revision.

For your LinkedIn + Other Social Media:

  • Specific advice on polishing your LinkedIn profile so that recruiters will want to speak with you yesterday.
  • This includes 13 pages or platform-specific (LinkedIn + GitHub) feature-by-feature guidance.
  • The crucial advice and guidance everyone needs in preparing their professional data science portfolio.
  • A professional social media refresh including done-for-you banners and images.
  • A professional LinkedIn review and revision.3

3 The sameĀ career advising and resume writing professionals will also work on your resume.

For professional portfolio:

  • AdditionalĀ portfolio guidance includes 4 pages of written advice specific to optimizing your GitHub as a portfolio backbone.
  • More portfolio guidance that will provide specific advice on how to generate exciting new entries for your data science portfolio.
  • Access to a library of portfolio entry templates.
  • Access to a library of portfolio entry "starters."
  • Individual coding and portfolio entry support.

For your professional + career growth:

  • Unlimited access to professional mock interviews and mock interview feedback.
  • If necessary,Ā a professionalĀ audit your professional references (make sure your references represent you well).
  • Guidance and coaching during the salary research + negotiation processes.
  • Unlimited access to professional mock negotiation and negotiation feedback.
  • Guidance on finding your personal career motivations and using those motivations to your advantage in the interview process.
Join The Career Accelerator Program Today

And you get more...

Access to Up Level Data's "greatest hits" collection of on-demand webinars which includes advice on:

  • Conquering imposter syndrome,
  • Winning your salary negotiations, and;
  • Exploring alternate career paths into data science.

For you to learn at your own pace. Online on-demand programming:

  • Access to the Applicant Tracking System mini crash course.
  • Access to an always growing library of instructional videos exclusive to accelerator clients.
  • A free copy ofĀ How to Become a Data Scientist: A Guide for Established Professionals.
  • A free copy ofĀ Confident Data Science: Discover The Essential Skills of Data Science.
Join The Career Accelerator Program Today

Plus you get even more...

Including (if you don't already have them - you need these):

  • A free copy (PDF) to keep forever of Ten Quick Wins To Expedite Your Career Transition.
  • A free copy (PDF) to keep forever of How Salary Comparison Research Can Improve Job Search Experiences, And Result in Higher Salaries.
  • A free copy (PDF) to keep of Common LinkedIn Mistakes + How To Fix Them.

Data Science Career Accelerator

The best way to enter or level up your career in data.


Join The Career Accelerator Program Today

Expert Praise

Jordan Goldmeier, Author of Becoming A Data Head

This is a great resource for data science professionals.

Join The Career Accelerator Program Today

Data Science CareerĀ Accelerator

With unlimited one-to-one guidance, unlimited email + text message support plus these added invaluable career advancing resources - this program is the best way for established professionals to enter or level up in data.

Click Here to Get Started

A Preview Of The Information Inside


Client Recommendations


Data Scientist + Project Mgr + Financial Background

Adam is absolutely the best. Do not hesitate on his programs. And the book is phenomenal. He helped me land a dream role; from resume to the transition itself. Thanks, Adam!


Research Professional + Data Practitioner

Immediately after working with Adam I felt more ready, more proficient, and more confident. He, and the materials in his programs, changed my whole perspective on the career change process.


Data Analyst + Research Professional

Adam has been so helpful to me as I have explored my career transitions. I recommend his programs to others who are looking at a career transition, especially in data.

Join The Career Accelerator Program Today

Right Now You Have Three Options

Do Nothing

Your existing efforts will continue along at their current pace. Your career may not grow or transition as soon as you wish.

Look For Other Resources

Or try and figure everything out yourself. I do not want you to waste your time. Let me be your guide and help you transition into or level up your career in data sooner rather than later.

Get The Best Program Today

With unlimited one-to-one guidance, unlimited email + text message support plus these added invaluable career advancing resources - this program is the best way for established professionals to enter or level up in data.

Join The Accelerator Program Today

Join The Data  Science Career Accelerator Program Today

Join The Career Accelerator Program Today

